

Brand Strategy



Through the Masters in Branding program at the School of Visual Arts, my team was tasked with helping users maintain a healthier relationship with tech (a 5-week collaboration with Google).

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To develop a new cross-company program to help Google users maintain a healthy relationship with tech

Through research and interviews, it was clear that the excessive use of digital devices has become a widespread concern not only to work but also to people’s personal life—most professionals we spoke to admitted to spending 10+ hrs on screens every day. As part of our research, we found that 65% agree unplugging is good for their health, but only 28% of those people actually do.


“Although I want to unplug periodically, I feel pressured to stay connected”

We have become victims of connection abundance.


How might we SOLVE IT?

We understand the importance of being connected. A sustainable solution to constant connectivity needs to go beyond isolating an individual, not to take the phone away from them, but to give them power to take control over/manage these connections on their own term.

Hence, we proposed a new 3 tier nomenclature designed to fundamentally change how we use Google Pixel— "open, focus, and dwell"


How might it work?

This new operation comes in 3 modes of use, switched over in a single touch or over a voice command.

In open mode, Google Pixel will be at full capacity of accessibility. Users can fully access the world of possibilities their phone has to offer.

In focus mode, Google Pixel will have limited accessibility to only applications of your choice. Users can be most productive without notifications robbing your focus.

In dwell mode, Google Pixel will return to the earliest function of the phone—only making or receiving phone calls, freeing users to dwell in the moment.


Switching between modes made easy

Not only can users ask Google Assistant to switch to focus mode whenever a meeting is on their calendar, but they also can set up an automatic response to any contacts, too.


How might we launch it?

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Google can leverage its core capabilities and proprietary data to help users re-shape their online and offline behavior while inspiring other leaders in technology to do the same.



Phillip Lauria | Surabhi Rathi | Derek Lee | Oliver Liang